You are on your morning run when you get distracted for a split second and you step off the sidewalk and awkwardly twist your ankle. Now you’ve got a possible ankle sprain and are wondering, “How long will it take for my ankle sprain to heal?” We know all you want to do is get back on your running schedule. The time it takes for your ankle sprain to heal varies depending on the severity of your sprain, ranging from 1 week to a few months. Your doctor at ORTHOKnox will help diagnose your ankle sprain and create the best treatment plan to get you back up and running as soon as possible!
Diagnosis and Treatment
Your doctor at ORTHOKnox may order an X-ray to rule out a fracture when diagnosing an ankle sprain. If no fractures are seen, treatment and time for healing depends upon the grade of the ankle sprain, with 1 being mild and 3 being more severe. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) is recommended for any ankle sprain grade. Apply ice for 15–20 min a few times a day and wrap the ankle and keep it elevated to reduce swelling. Recovery involves strengthening the ligaments and supporting muscles and restoring the range of motion of your ankle. This recovery time varies as described below.
Grade 1
Walking is possible and only slightly painful with mild swelling and tenderness.
- RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation
- Keep the ankle elevated for 48 hrs
- Range of motion and stretching exercises after a few days
- Time to heal: 1–3 weeks
Grade 2
Grade 2 involves a partial tear and includes moderate pain, swelling, and bruising. Walking is painful.
- RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation
- Keep the ankle elevated for 48 hrs
- Immobilization or splint may be recommended
- Range of motion and stretching exercises usually after a few days
- Time to heal: 3–6 weeks
Grade 3
The ligament is completely torn with severe swelling and bruising. Walking is not usually possible.
- RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation
- Keep the ankle elevated for 48 hrs
- Cast or brace may be recommended for a few weeks
- Anti-inflammatory medications
- In some cases, surgery may be the best option
- Range of motion and stretching exercises when recommended
- Time to heal: Several months (usually from 3 to 6 months)
If you begin to feel ankle pain or have a sprain, then you should consult your doctor at ORTHOKnox. For more information about how the board-certified surgeons, orthopaedic team, or physical therapists at ORTHOKnox can treat you, call (865) 251-3030, or fill out our easy-to-use online appointment request form. We look forward to hearing from you!