You may be working toward summer fitness goals, trying to balance work and summer fun, and focusing on eating healthier, which is all fantastic! With all of this effort you are putting into your health, do not neglect orthopedics! You can improve your orthopedic health at home through your exercise, diet, and summer plans. We have gathered ways in which orthopedics can help your summer health below.
How Can Orthopedics Help me reach my Summer Health Goals?
Orthopedics involves the entire musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, joints, ligaments, nerves, and tendons. So, focusing on your orthopedic health is key to your overall health and sports goals. To improve your orthopedic health, focus on the following:
Watch What you Eat and Drink
We tend to equate warmer weather with fresh veggies and fruits, so it is a good time to eat smart! For joint and muscle health, you will want to choose foods high in calcium, vitamins C and D, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Green leafy vegetables are high in calcium. Most fruits and veggies are high in vitamin C (like citrus, peppers, tomatoes, etc.). Foods high in vitamin D include salmon, tuna, and fortified orange juice and milk. Omega-3 fatty acids (found in most fish, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, and soybeans) reduce joint pain and swelling.
Make sure you hydrate, too! Sweating from exercise or the summer heat can deplete your body of fluids and cause cramping. The average person needs about nine 8-oz glasses of water per day.
Exercise Year-round
With travel and sunny weather, many people are more active during the summer. Condition and do strength training throughout the year so the increased activity is not a shock to your body. Your joints will thank you later. If you are not currently active, gradually increase your activity until you have reached your goals. Do not try to do it all at once or jump right back into where you were last summer.
Plan for Safety
Is the weather so pleasant that you want to go on a hike in the mountains? Definitely go for it! But make sure you wear hiking boots or similar supportive shoes, pack plenty of water, and tread carefully on the trails. We want you to take advantage of summer activities, but make sure you have the right gear, plan ahead, and do not overdo it! Take breaks when you need them. These steps will help you prevent orthopedic injuries, and you will be able to enjoy the summer season to the max!
What if I have More Orthopedic Questions or Need Treatment?
With its on-site physical therapists, board-certified surgeon, sports medicine physicians, and Orthopedic Urgent Care that is available without an appointment, ORTHOKnox has got you covered. For more information about how ORTHOKnox can help you, call (865) 251-3030, or fill out our easy-to-use online appointment request form. We look forward to hearing from you!
If you would like a consultation on how orthopedics can help your summer health, would like to discuss injury prevention, or have sustained an injury, then head over to the ORTHOKnox orthopedic clinics in Knoxville, Tennessee, or Athens, Tennessee. Our sports medicine specialists are prepared to talk with you or help treat your injury. Meet our team of physicians here and physical therapists here!