For the first time in 12 years, we have been able to choose where we want to live! After spending the last 4 years on active military service we are very excited to be in Knoxville and looking forward to establishing roots in such a wonderful community.
Professionally, I can’t wait to get involved in our new orthopedic practice, OrthoKnox. While trying to find a topic for my first blog, I thought the natural place to start would be to introduce myself to our patient family at OrthoKnox. One of the things I wanted to share was the experience, skills, and knowledge I gained while serving in the U.S. Air Force. From treating young military members and veterans to treating our wounded soldiers in Afghanistan, I have had the opportunity to be on the cutting edge of medicine. I was able to apply new techniques and skills as they were being developed.
Perhaps nowhere has the benefit of these types of experiences been more evident than during the recent Boston Marathon tragedy. As many of you know the medical community of Boston responded wonderfully. Countless lives were saved and injuries minimized by the healthcare teams locally. What many people may not know is that many of the skills and techniques that were used were developed in the military over the last several years.
As I reflect, I am proud and humbled by my small role in that process. Looking forward, I am excited to share all that I have learned and be able to make a positive impact on my new family and community.