When considering MAKOplasty knee surgery, a minimally invasive procedure that uses robotics for precise alignment, it’s crucial to ask the right questions to ensure you’re making an informed decision. Here are key questions to discuss with your surgeon:
- What Is Your Experience with MAKOplasty? Inquire about the surgeon’s experience with MAKOplasty specifically. How many of these procedures have they performed? A surgeon with extensive experience in MAKOplasty is more likely to handle complexities effectively and ensure better outcomes.
- What Are the Expected Benefits and Risks? Ask about the specific benefits of MAKOplasty for your condition compared to other surgical options. Understand the potential risks and complications involved. This will help you weigh the advantages against possible drawbacks and set realistic expectations.
- What Is the Recovery Process Like? Gain insight into the recovery timeline and what you can expect in terms of pain management, rehabilitation, and return to daily activities. Knowing what to anticipate can help you prepare mentally and physically for the post-surgery phase.
- What Kind of Pre-Operative Preparation Is Needed? Understand any preparatory steps you need to take before the surgery. This might include physical therapy, dietary changes, or specific medical tests. Proper preparation can impact the success of the surgery and your overall recovery.
- How Will MAKOplasty Address My Specific Knee Issues? Discuss how the procedure will target your unique knee problems. Understanding how MAKOplasty will specifically address your pain or mobility issues can provide clarity on its expected effectiveness.
- What Are the Long-Term Outcomes? Ask about the long-term success rates and how MAKOplasty compares with traditional knee surgeries in terms of longevity and effectiveness. It’s essential to know how long you can expect the results to last and what kind of follow-up care might be necessary.
Choosing to undergo MAKOplasty is a significant decision, and asking these questions will help ensure you’re well-informed and confident in your choice. Taking the time to discuss these aspects with your surgeon can make a considerable difference in your overall experience and satisfaction with the surgery. You can watch a video to learn more about MAKOplasty here.
If you’re considering a modern and effective option for knee replacement, you may be a candidate for the MAKOplasty® procedure. OrthoKnox Orthopedic surgeon, Dr. David Hovis performs MAKOplasty and is here to answer your questions. Give us a call at (865) 251-3030 to make an appointment, or request one online. OrthoKnox is here to get you back up and on the move again.